Saturday, January 03, 2015


Forgive me Blogger for I have sinned.  I've also forgot to blog for oh....I don't know...three years or so? I have to say before anything else, I've missed you Blog. You are my confidant, my soundboard, my grounding force where I can just let loose all the crap that flies around in my head without fear of judgement.  You don't care what I write, you happily accept all my random thoughts, grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes.

Quick recap of the past three years.

Daughter (D) is 19 almost 20.
D has nodules on her thyroid that are potentially cancerous. FUCK!
Son (S) is 3 almost 4.
I'm married (H)...for now.
I'm going to look at a house for sale on Monday without H's knowledge.  Looking for an escape.
I have a new job working provincially instead of Federally. Yay!
My boss is crazy attractive and that sucks ass.  Why couldn't he be an asshole and completely hideous.
I have a low functioning thyroid and potential for Rheumatoid Arthritis and crazy bad digestive issues.
I gave up gluten...mostly.  I fail sometimes and give in to temptation when it's something just so completely delicious, like cake, usually I have PMS, which I always regret. Always! Not the PMS, although I can do without that, but the cake. I guess I could do without that as well.
I'm 20 lbs overweight.  grr
I have PMS right now.
Can't decide if I want to fuck something, fuck something up, eat something, cry, or kill something.
I am a yoga teacher.  MUST. MEDITATE. NOW!
I am almost a personal trainer but I may not finish that.
My family is more fucked up than I thought which I discovered this past christmas.
I've rediscovered running and ran a half marathon last year.  No time or desire to run a full or even another half, but 10 is a good constant.
I swear a lot more than I used too.
Did I mention I have PMS? RIGHT NOW?
UGH, I'll be back.